Attending Moving Trans History Forward 2018

Here’s proof that Ms. Bob Davis of the LLTA (or at least the the back of Ms. Bob’s head) attended the 3rd semi-annual Moving Trans History Forward (MTHF) in 2018. MTHF is a conference of transgender community activists, academics, artists, and allies, quite a heady unique mix. We talk, listen, visit exhibits, attend performances, eat, watch films, schmooze, and learn. Fun place to learn. The producer is Chair in Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, BC. Each conference was a quantum larger than the previous, so the fourth will be held off-campus at the Victoria Conference Centre, BC, Canada, April 2nd-5th, 2020. This year for the first time there’ll be a party Saturday night. Dancing, delight and whatever will I wear?

So, if you see the back of Ms. Bob’s head at Moving Trans History Forward 2020, come around to the front and say, “Hi!”

Photo Credit: Rosalind Humphreys

Jamison Green (left), author of Becoming a Visible Man (Vanderbilt University Press), and Miqqi Gilbert (right), past director of Fantasia Fair, chatting with the back of Ms. Bob’s head.


Making new friends between session, like Lynn Greenhough (right), who has since become a rabbi.




The back of Ms. Bob’s head waits her turn with other presenters at the fascinating Session 13. Here’s the program the four of us squeezed into an hour and a quarter:

• Jay Bossé – “Misgendering Artists in the Archives: A Trans Reading of Claude Cahun’s Self-Portrait (1928)”
• Mariette Pathy Allen
– “TransOceanic: A photographic vision of transgender people in Cuba, Burma, and Thailand” from her books TransCuba (Daylight Books) and Transcendents: Spirit Mediums in Burma and Thailand (Daylight Books)
• Dorian Jesse Fraser – “What’s Between Self-Portraits and the Selfie? Self-Representation from Lesbian Feminism to Trans Self-Affirmation”
• Ms. Bob Davis – “In Their Own Words: Transgender Autobiography from Casa Susanna”


Moving Trans History Forward 2018 was attended by the backs of many heads.